The EOSC4Cancer project would like to invite you to an upcoming workshop, led by the training workpackage, focused on training needs in the cancer data space, to be held on the 18th October 2023 in Brussels (venue: nhow, Brussels Bloom). Attendance is available both in f2f or virtual mode.
The aim of the workshop is to review the skills needs for researchers, clinicians and computational roles working with cancer data; to determine where the major skills gaps are and to sketch learning paths to enable the development of these missing skills. Additionally the workshop will review data management needs for these groups, towards drafting a cancer specific view for the RDMkit, an openly accessible data management toolkit. Your experience will be invaluable in helping further define and refine the skills needs and how we can address them.
A final programme for the day will soon be available, but the timings (both in person and virtual) are set from 9:00 – 16:30 CEST.
To confirm participation, please send an email to [email protected] / [email protected] by Wednesday, October 11th, indicating whether you plan to join in person or virtually.