Francisco Soriano
Francisco Soriano has a Physics MSc. He is associate professor at the Computing Science department of University of Valencia where he is devoted to subjects related to computing networks and computing security. He is a member of the LISITT research group belonging to the Institute on Robotics and Information Technology and Communications (IRTIC) and his main work and research topics are related to telematic systems applied to traffic and transport (Intelligent Transport Systems, ITS), as well as to the privacy and data protection, and computer and network security.
He has worked through contracts or projects with the Spanish General Directorate of Traffic, the Ministry of Transports and the Basque Government on European projects that have included topics such as RDS-TMC and DATEX, and European coordination platforms for ITS implementation such as EasyWay, EUEIP, Arc Atlantic, ARTS, SERTI mainly from the CEF European funding line.
He has also been R&D projects evaluator from the European IV Framework Programme and involved in Spanish and European standardisation bodies (AEN/CTN 159 and CEN/TC278).
He has taken part on issues related to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Spanish National Security Scheme (ENS) in addition to forensic analysis and computer and networks auditing.